Team K

Paris, France

Sep 05 at 09:18 AM

So pleased you loved this class Mariona ! Don't hesitate to try out more of our booty classes like this one with Emma and Chris 💋



If you’ve only got 30 minutes but want to make a real...

Sep 05 at 09:17 AM

We love this stretch it feels so good ! 💋

Sep 05 at 09:17 AM

That's how we like it ! 💋

Sep 05 at 09:08 AM

Thanks Sophie ! We love this one, great playlist and energy ! 💋

Sep 03 at 11:00 AM

Thank you Alessandra ! 💋

Sep 03 at 11:00 AM

Thank you Sophie ! 💋


Aug 30 at 10:00 AM

🇬🇧 Ready to get back into it after your summer break ?

Yes, it's time to get back to school, back to work and BACK TO SWEAT 💦

This September, at the Kalon Studio in Paris, we are running a challenge for 15 classes in 30 days in person, at the studio. Think you can do it ? Sign up via our website and purchase our special 15-class pack, or find out more with us directly at the front desk.

If you're not in Paris or want to make this challenge even more...well...challenging, then try this programme instead of - or alongside - your studio classes to get even more burn, even more sweat, and even more results.

In this programme, you'll discover (or re-discover!) a different Team K coach each day, many of whom you can meet in your classes in Paris. Don't hesitate to let them know how you're getting on with the challenge !

🎁 If you complete this online challenge, you will have completed 15 FULL-one hour classes in 30 days, congratulations ! When you get to the end, you will receive a message with a special gift, so keep an eye out...

Good luck


🇫🇷 Prête pour la rentrée après la pause farniente ?

Oui, il est temps de retourner à l'école, au travail et à la BARRE 💦

En septembre, au Kalon Studio à Paris, nous lançons un défi de 15 cours en 30 jours, en présentiel. Vous pensez en être capable ?

Inscrivez-vous sur notre site avec notre pack spécial 15 cours, ou renseignez-vous directement auprès de nous à l'accueil du studio.

Si vous n'êtes pas à Paris ou si vous voulez rendre ce challenge encore bien..."challengeant", essayez ce programme en parallèle - ou à la place - de vos cours en studio pour encore plus de burn, encore plus de sueur et encore plus de résultats.

Dans ce programme, vous découvrirez (ou redécouvrirez !) chaque jour une coache Team K différente, que vous pourrez rencontrer dans vos cours à Paris. N'hésitez pas à leur faire part de vos progrès !

🎁 Si vous complétez ce challenge en ligne, vous aurez suivi 15 cours complets d'une heure en 30 jours, félicitations ! Lorsque vous aurez terminé le challenge, vous recevrez un email avec un cadeau spécial, alors gardez l'oeil ouvert...

Bonne chance !



Aug 28 at 10:00 AM

Feel like it's time to improve your posture ?

Follow us in this one week programme if:

✅ Summer vacay is over

✅ You’re back in front of the computer

✅ You don't have much time to workout

✅ You want to try something efficient

✅ You want to relieve back and neck pain

We know we definitely feel like we need this, so we are sharing with you our top videos with the Kalon girls on our app in a 5 Day Posture Challenge.

Try and do these spread out over 7 days, so you have 2 days rest.

Day 1

Take a break from your computer anytime during the day and do: Emma's 90 Second Plank

Morning, lunchtime or evening: Soft Ballerina Cardio Barre for 30 minutes & Stretching & Posture for 15 minutes.

Day 2

Take a break from your computer anytime during the day and do: 5 Minute Dancer's Posture with Renée and Charlène & Posture, Balance and Tone with Emma.

Ideally in the evening: Emma's Nourishing Stretch for 30 minutes

Day 3

Take a break from your computer anytime during the day and do: Jess' 2.30 Minute Plank

Morning, lunchtime or evening: Emma's Posture Workout and 15 minute Posture class

Day 4

Take a break from your computer anytime during the day and do: 3 Minute Plank With Annalisa

Morning, lunchtime or evening: Posture Kalon Barre with Emma

Day 5

Take a break from your computer anytime during the day and do: 4 min plank with Cassie

Morning or lunchtime : Dynamic Pilates Sculpt With Jackie

Ideally in the Evening: Chris' Posture And Meditation

Enjoy !


Team K


Replied on FLOOR BARRE / Amy

Aug 27 at 06:14 PM

Awesome, well done Sophie ! Floor Barre is great for full body toning and core stability, whilst taking pressure off your knees and ankles. We have a few Floor Barre classes such as this beginner's video with Lucie 💋



Join Lucie for a complete full body Floor Barre class. Dancers...

Aug 27 at 11:46 AM

Thank you Sophie ! If you want to try another challenging Power class you will enjoy Annalisa's video at the Brach ❤️💋



Class in French.Join Annalisa as she takes you through a...